UCCE Master Gardeners of Sacramento County
University of California
UCCE Master Gardeners of Sacramento County

Workshops and other events

Master Gardeners hold a number of different events where we educate the public, usually for free. The links below take you to current offerings.

Fair Oaks Horticulture Center workshops and open gardens - Free!

A Workshop at the Fair Oaks Horticulture Center (FOHC) includes speakers giving talks on specific topics, like our pruning workshop in January.

Another FOHC event, Open Garden, is a chance for you to visit the gardens, roam around freely and talk with Master Gardeners there to help with your gardening questions. We often include mini-tours and demonstrations at Open Gardens.

Harvest Day is also included on our FOHC Workshop schedule. Lots of speakers, fruit tasting, vendors, education tables and so much more. This event is the first Saturday in August.

Ask the Master Gardeners Information Tables

Free Information Tables are offered throughout Sacramento County.  You can get a plant problem solved one-on-one with a Master Gardener. Information Tables are available at all of the FOHC events and are also part of bigger events such as the California State Fair, Home Shows, Garden Tours and other community gardening events.

Composting workshops - Most are Free!

Composting Workshops are given all over Sacramento County, often at public libraries. Some Composting Workshops involve a small fee for materials. See the schedule for details.

Special events

These are occasional special offerings like the succulent pumpkins workshop held in October, 2016 and composting workshops every year.  We charge a small fee for these, but you learn and take things home with you! 

You may be interested in information we shared at an Edible Landscaping Workshop in 2013.

Event Publications

Here you'll find references you can save or print from various workshops and other events.


The following is a listing of events held by various branches of the University of California as well as non-UC, non-profit organizations who support us.


4145 Branch Center Road, Sacramento, CA 95827       Master Gardener Phone:  916.876.5338       Fax:  916.875.6233

Webmaster Email: mgsacramento@ucanr.edu