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The UC Master Gardener Program of Sacramento County is a very special organization. We are building a solid track record of educating and exciting members of our community about sustainable home horticulture through our many workshops, public information tables, Harvest Day, and the Fair Oaks Horticulture Center. We are dedicated to our mission of sharing UC research-based home horticultural information with the public.
We are proud of what we do for our county and want to ensure that we can continue our important work into the future. While we are a statewide organization, each county operates independently financially. There are several ways for you to help us financially. Besides a tax deductible donation, you can shop and attend occasional paid classes.
We accept cash or checks only at our events. However, you can order the Garden Guide and Calendar online with your credit card. Occasional workshops are reserved online as well.
The 2022 Gardening Guide and Calendar featuring fruit and so much more, the GG&C is a wonderful educational tool. |
Pond Renovation - Would you consider helping us with a financial contribution to rebuild the pond at the Fair Oaks Horticulture Center? Visit the link for more information on our effort to build a sanctuary for beneficial insects. |